Tuesday, August 28, 2018

It's Not Going To Happen, So Calm Down and Get To Work...

A Revolution, an E.M.P. attack, the end of the world as we know it, and other catastrophes:  It's not going to happen.


It's not happening because it costs too much.

There is too much to lose. It would be too expensive, and too many criminals would be put out in any uncontrolled fiasco.

Right off the bat, if the U.S. were to experience an EMP attack, that is, an electromagnetic pulse attack, which purportedly would destroy the entire or a large part of our electric/electronic "grid," the damage would affect greatly, the drug cartels, the human traffickers, and all the secondary beneficiaries of those criminal enterprises.  THEY are not going to put up with some ninny cutting into their profits, and these are only a minute portion of those who profit from the status quo.

There are mega-profits to be made by keeping you and yours terrified and insecure, unable, and powerless.

The countless wars and conflicts between opposing players, anywhere and everywhere in the world, such as East versus West, Commie versus Capitalist, if you look closely enough, can be seen to be orchestrated, conducted, and scripted by big money, by one player or another.

At some point, for example, Patriots are going to wake up to the fact that gun sales are to a large degree orchestrated after one side claims and demands immediate gun control, and the other side asserts the right to buy guns.  It's amazing that this is a win-win situation for all sides, because the gun controllers get their political jolts, the gun rights patriots get their political jolts, and gun sales sky rocket. I think you agree, some find there is money in politicizing a tragic event.

This is not to say that you should not arm yourself. Quite the contrary.  Just note the results of this dynamic.

Here's another "fer instance."  Let's say a gang of criminals opened up a casino where it was legal to do so, and started making money, hand over fist.  Do you think those criminals would, for a minute, put up with some wacko causing a ruckus in their establishment, because he wanted to protest racism or some other perceived wrong done to him?  I submit that they would put period to him very quickly one way or another, to keep the money rolling in.

Poverty is very profitable, not for the poor, of course, but for those who administrate the programs to help the poor, whether they do it via government or through non-profits.  And these enterprises translate into political clout, which can be cashed in for political mega-bucks.

The snake oil salesman always had to convince people of a particular ailment, when he offered his miracle potion as the cure.  Then he had to keep them sick so he could keep pushing his endless solutions for never ending ailments.

Oh, and what keeps people ill?  What's a major cause of mental illness?  Illness, real or imaginary is apparently, to a great degree, the result of stress.

And what are the triggers for stress?  Can you list them?  Terrorism, deadly diseases, war, financial problems, marital problems... Can you think of any more?

That's not to say that someone might not come up with an idea to poison your water to keep the doctors busy.  After all, they need jobs too.

As politics goes, would you happen to know how much money has been spent in the totality of campaigns at the national, state, county, and municipal levels in the last ten years?  Has enough currency been printed to be able to cover that amount?

I know, I know.  Our candidate is different. He is our candidate, our man, our woman.  And no, we can't back off campaigning for our guy or gal, nor can we not vote and let the other side win.  This is not about stopping the train and getting off at the next station. This is about being aware of the train, and being a little more aware, so that we are not terrorized, scammed, or coerced into believing that the earth is going to implode, that a new ice age is being ushered in by a giant volcano next Tuesday, or that if you don't buy the crooked preacher's sermon you will go straight to hell on Wednesday.

Ironically, your best buddy for keeping the world as you know it from ending, are the cartels and the gangs.  That's amazing, since your well being is actually dependent on the very criminal that is destroying your family.  Another painful twist is that the politician that is bilking you, the tax payer, and being paid bribes left and right, or coerced by criminals to act on their behalf, can only do so at your behest.  Wrap your head around that one.

The dynamics of these things are absurd.

Even so, do beware.  There are psychos that would set off a catastrophe to act out their sordid fantasy.

Do prepare, take stock and do take care of yourself and yours. There is a way out of this, and it starts with the smallest unit of existence:  You.  Take charge of your Life.  If it has not "gone your way," up to now, change it.  It's ok to change your modus-operandi.  Find a workable one for YOU and yours, and then expand outwards from there.

Gather, collect, and store a survival package for you and your family, so that you can survive a natural or contrived catastrophe.  You will do no one any good if you were to expire. Survive the catastrophe, and then survive the aftermath.  Be ready, and you will not be affected so much by threats of immediate, impending or gradual wholesale demise.

And above all, remember: Keep it Legal.  Don't be pushed into illegal scams or "secret" societies or groups.  Chances are such groups are set up to entrap you to be criminally liable for someone else's benefit.  These days there is no such thing as "secrecy" for individuals or groups, so don't buy that tonic.  Stay on the up and up.  Your loved ones will need you around, when things get difficult.

The "end of the world" is not going to happen tomorrow, or the day after, so calm down, calm others down, and continue your positive efforts.  And thank you for what you do, and for being a Vanguard of Freedom.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


The Mueller Special Counsel investigation is not an indictment investigation.... because a sitting President cannot be indicted.

What, then, is Mueller doing? This is an impeachment investigation.

Sirius Satellite Radio Show host, Mark Levin, explained last night that Mueller's investigation belongs to the House of Representatives... NOT the Justice Department.

The indictments Mueller has brought forth are all Justice actions that do not require a Special Prosecutor. I cite as examples: The Tax violations charges could have been done by the IRS. The other charges could have been done by the Justice Dept.

Mueller does not have "constitutionality," and must be stopped, and the proper investigatory body then created in the House of Representatives, if THEY deem it necessary.

What Mueller's investigation IS doing is looking for POSSIBLE crimes for the impeachment process, which has a different standard and rules,

Mueller's existence in the Justice Dept., as a "Prosecutor" with other prosecutors as staff, and a staff of FBI agent/investigators comprise an unconstitutional body, because there is no CRIME to prosecute. It is a fishing expedition to set up an impeachment process.

That was Mark Levin's assessment and analysis on this matter.

I go a step further:  Mueller's actions constitute, not an attempted coup, not an attempt to OVERTHROW a duly elected government, it IS THE COUP.

Mueller and Co. HAS already OVERTHROWN the Trump administration and the millions of citizens who voted him into office. Mueller has PRE-EMPTED the impeachment process by interfering with a duly elected government.

The evidence is not speculative, it is not conjectured, it is OBSERVATIONAL. The Mueller investigative usurpers have covertly effected a COUP under the guise of an investigatory body.

That the Justice Department does not act to rectify this, is rapidly making the DOJ complicit in this travesty.

We cannot and must not stand idly by and allow this to continue. A squad of lawyers, with the backing and the power of force of arms, has hijacked our country for purposes other than those expressed in our nation's founding documents.

The Mueller "team," which includes the political party of Socialists and those that are in collusion with it, that is acting to usurp a duly elected government, KNOWS that Trump cannot be indicted.

All the individuals participating and supporting that coup are free to opine and to protest the new Trump government, as is allowed within our laws.  No one is trying to silence or stop them from their protest and forms of persuasion.

But when a rogue, unconstitutional entity, uses its legal and investigatory powers, backed by the enforcement arm of the government, with the power of the use of force of arms, it is no longer a matter of protest, it has become an armed insurrection against a legal, duly elected government.

The Executive Branch continues to operate, seemingly oblivious to this COUP, having, metaphorically speaking, "recused," itself from defending the office of the President, the Presidency, and thus the millions of Americans that the Administration represents, in similar fashion to the way the Attorney General has recused himself as the head of the Justice Department.

The Attorney General has allowed the hijacking of the Justice Department by agents who are armed and taking action against American Citizens.

A government has been weaponized by agents, which include former government intelligence operatives, and current ones, and armed police agents, against its own citizens.

If you feel the shutting down of your freedom of expression by the Social Media Entities, Facebook, Google, Twitter, is an affront and an attack on your Civil Rights and Freedoms, you will have something to behold, namely the full outright repression of your religious beliefs, your power to earn a living, and your right to your pursuit of happiness, if the Sun of Liberty is allowed to set on our Constitutional Republic.

The usurpers must be rendered powerless against us, that we may retain our Constitutional Republic, and its laws, and that we may move forward with the Free exercise of our Freedoms, safe and secure from those who would impede them.

Patriots:  How should we proceed?

Monday, April 16, 2018


You might have heard of the "agent provocateur," an agent whose mission is to covertly join an organization and make its members commit illegal acts in order to compromise the target organization, getting its members arrested, and sent to jail. But there is another agent, whose purpose is much broader, and in some cases encompasses and includes the Agent Provocateur.

Conflict Mongers specialize in creating conflicts. They get you and your friend to have a conflict. Joe, a conflict monger, who has worked to gain your confidence, tells your friend Bill, that you said Bill was an idiot. Then Joe comes to you and tells you that Bill made a pass at your wife. The result: You and Bill fight.

The Conflict Monger craft is not limited to personal relationships. Nations, political organizations, weapons dealers, international bankers, and media and propagandists, use Conflict Mongers to profit from the conflicts they create.

Weapons dealers incite two sides of a political equation to go to war, so that they can profit from arms sales to both sides.

International bankers can profit from such a conflict by financing both sides to go to war and then profit from the resulting "reconstruction" period after the war.

Financial and Capital manipulators will tamper with the stock market to create the rise and fall of stocks and bonds, and reap the benefit of that manipulation.

In the intelligence field, it is common to find on both sides of a political equation, Conflict Mongers working feverishly to create chaos inside the enemy camp. An organization with internal conflict is much easier to conquer or control, than one that can muster a united front against its enemies.

In an example much closer to home, you will see Conservative social network web sites, sometimes in conflict with each other. To the uninitiated it may seem that one side has attacked the other, and that the other is merely defending itself. Upon closer examination you might find, however, that a Conflict Monger has created a conflict between both sides, in order to destroy that web site or to destroy both web sites by "stoking the fires."

And one might have also experienced a web site's members in conflict amongst themselves. Again we may find a Conflict Monger agent at work.

While an "Agent Provocateur" would work to get a web site to publish copyrighted material in its blogs, post messages on the web site blogs or forums that included hate speech or threats of violence, and perhaps even go as far as to get one of its members to commit to doing something illegal, a Conflict Monger would go further and create antagonism within a group and even possibly between two or more groups with the aim of destroying the credibility of the group, or even to cause the group to cease to exist.

And there is nothing that says that the Agent Provocateur(s) and the Conflict Monger(s), might be one and the same, and is working to both, compromise the group by tricking it into doing something illegal, AND to create conflict between a web site's members and between different groups.

It is particularly difficult on the internet to know who is who, because the internet provides a degree of anonymity, and lends itself to such subterfuge. It is here that one has to remain alert to these "agents," because the internet, social networking sites, and related communications functions and devices are a major part of Conservative advancement within the last year.

After Obama succeeded in winning the 2008 election, his effort was heralded to have flourished via the internet and has been touted as a major influence in his victory. Although it might have had a significant impact, it pales in comparison to the evolution of Conservative efforts via the internet. Conservative advances via the internet have not received much attention in the National Socialist propaganda media, but without a doubt, Conservative organizational accomplishments dwarf the results of its opponents.

The combination of the internet social networking, along with Talk Radio, and the Conservative forums on Fox News has created a formula that is serving at this time, Conservative causes and purposes.

This makes Conservative efforts a major target of its opponents. Just as the White House chose to attack Fox News, during the Obama Administration, because it would not give in to the National Socialist agenda, It would be foolish not to expect infiltration and attempts at disruption of Conservative Social Networks, web sites, and blogs.

It might not be easy to spot an Agent Provocateur or a Conflict Monger, but if one is alert, one might discover such a culprit busily at work in your group by observing the following:

1. Understand the efforts and purpose of the group or web site that you join.

2. Observe the communication of its members. Which member's communication does not align to the purposes of the group?

3. Which member does not abide by the stated, published rules or policy of the group?

4. Which member is communicating negatively against other members, without just cause?

5. Which member is carrying on a "whispering campaign" about other members or the web site.  Which one is constantly advertising and recruiting for other groups?

6. One of the best ways to "show up" or expose Conflict Mongers is to create an organization or group that strictly adheres to its purpose, and promotes and advances those purposes accordingly. Anyone who deviates from the purpose can be noticed or can become obvious by being the one whose actions show that he is in conflict with the organization and its purposes. "Ye shall know them by their deeds." Sound familiar?

7. And then there is that one member that just does not understand, and is constantly asking you to explain things to them, doesn't seem to be able to get with the program, or needs to be "baby-sat." While there may be novices, who do need a certain amount of attention, how hard can it be to be a Conservative? One either is or isn't. One tells them to get with the program: Educate them with references and keep them in your radar. But be wary. That member might just have another agenda.

8. One might also know "the connections" of a member to members of the oppostion. While there might be a professional connection, to what extent does that association affect their affiliation to your group?

9. Take notes. If someone says or does things that do not align to the purposes of your group, note them down. These may show up later in another venue on another web site being promoted by someone under a different name. These notes can become a "trail of illogic" that might lead you to thwart an attempt to disrupt your activities.

10. Take responsibility for your self and your group. The success of Conservative Groups is the result of the actions of its members. It is YOU who are responsible for your group, and you can make a significant difference in its success.

11. If a conflict does arise, and/or if one is in full swing already, do not promote it or advertise it. This only feeds the conflict and detracts from your group's agenda or cause. The more you repeat information about the conflict, the more you promote or enhance it. Figure out a way to handle it quickly, resolve it, identify the Conflict Monger, and get on with your work.

It is important to know also what is a Conservative, a Liberal, a Socialist, a Libertarian, a Rino, a Moderate, a Blue Dog Democrat, and an Independent. The differences are significant.

Around the time of the 2008 election, many so-called Conservative Social Networks were created, and while these served as the basis for the eventual flourisihing of a flurry of Conservative activity on the internet, some of the original web sites advertised as being "Center-Right" sites, seeking to create a coalition of members ranging from "moderate" Republicans to Conservative stalwarts.

Since that time the differences in the various factions have become more obvious, particularly in the national political arena, and membership has shifted within and between those groups. Accordingly members of the opposition have capitalized on the differences between the groups to cause friction.

The point of this article is not to promote the "umbrella" or "big tent" idea of a broad based coalition of "center-right" groups to defeat the National Socialist Democrats. It is to alert Conservative Groups to the situation that their groups might be attacked from within as well as from outside of the group by Conflict Monger agents, seeking to cause discord with the intent of rendering their efforts ineffective.,

Principled Conservatives, who will not compromise on core issues simply for the sake of obtaining a vote in favor of a particular issue, and who refuse to make "deals with the devil" will prosper by continuing to build and further establish grass-root efforts, magnifying and expanding the causes of the Conservative Cultural Revolution, and work to point out the exact differences that will create our Renaissance of Freedom.

It is not only prudent to say, "THIS is what we stand for," and demand that those purposes be promoted, preserved and advanced.  It is necessary to our survival as a nation that we make it clear that the folly of the issues of other groups, their political correctness, their lack of a foundation of Life based on moral and ethical principles, will result in a deterioration of their cultures, as is evident today across this country and throughout the world.

It is optimum to point out our PURPOSES, which define us, and what those purposes are based on, and to use this as a flag and a rallying point. The gray area of "coalition," of political correctness, of inclusion, of compromise with our principles only results in a watered-down culture unable to survive the hard realities of dangerous and determined enemies.

While we have not yet attained Vanguards that are the epitome of perfection, we can recognize which ones will advance our Causes, and which will not, and when they do, we support them, while when they do not, we must hold them accountable.

And finally, a factor that is vital to knowledge about "The Conflict Mongers," is this:  The American culture has been invaded by a foreign, antagonistic, aggressively hostile culture. It is, what is known at Vanguard of Freedom, as the Socialist Cult of Mass Murder.  This culture has invaded our nation and now has occupied it, and has colonized it.  The SCOMM continues to advance is culture of death and to destroy the positive elements of American Culture, especially that aspect of American culture that includes it's Christian Fundamentals.  The SCOMM extracts its tribute from our nation by plundering through endless forms of taxation, under the guise of "redistribution of the wealth."  The SCOMM finances through taxes, its activities and attacks upon American culture, and uses politically Liberal persons and groups, and in fact, now dominates almost entirely all Liberal factions in this nation, and has effectively merged Liberals into the SCOMM.  Agents of the SCOMM, their adherents, commonly use the proverbial "We" to denigrate our culture:
"We are deteriorating as a nation." "We Americans have caused violence against other nations."  "We Americans enslaved Black Americans."  We Americans defeated and wiped out Native Americans."  "We are a divided nation, country, etc.
There is no "WE" in these matters.  When used by the SCOMM, they are using this as a downgrade and denigration of American Culture, and are working towards its demise, by recruiting prospective members who are weak members of American Culture.  There is an American Culture.  Its Vanguards of Freedom still hold true to its principles and its tenets. Vanguards of Freedom continue the fight against the Socialist Cult of Mass Murder, and we continue to create within our communities our Renaissance of Freedom.

When we are clear about what we stand for, clear about not compromising with our basic purposes, we will advance accordingly in our Cause. The deeds of the National Socialists have illuminated the differences between "us" and "them," and we must now trumpet those differences to the political and cultural gray areas.

Is our side the side of political cronyism, back room deals, hidden agendas, outright or covert bribery, sell-outs to the highest bidder, permissive and promiscuous cultural values, materialism, decadence, and the inability to answer attacks against our nation because we are too wishy washy to call an enemy an enemy?

The answer is NO WE ARE NOT.

We are not the Conflict Mongers, nor the Agent Provocateurs, and refuse to be the enablers of such agents of doom. What then are we?

We are the Vanguard of Freedom, the Advance of Freedom, and we aim to bring about a Renaissance of Freedom via the American Conservative Cultural Revolution.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ground Zero: Hawaii

After the emergency and the panic caused by the false alarm, that there was a nuclear missile on its way to Hawaii, the finger pointing and blame game began.  Whose fault was it?  Who needed to be accountable?

Naturally people were upset for all the right reasons: They thought they had but a few minutes of Life left to live.  You can imagine the panic and confusion.

It was a mistake, it turns out, an error.  Someone pushed the "wrong button."

Such incidents unfortunately have happened before.  In those cases nuclear catastrophe was imminent, and was not a "false alarm."

Usually it is kept very quiet, and the Hawaii incident is no different.  What has not been mentioned are the disastrous and catastrophic effects that I can only surmise, occurred not just in Hawaii, but in the rest of the world, as that unfortunate incident was unfolding.

Nuclear "mistakes" do not happen in a vacuum.

We are prone to believe that the nuclear warning mistake was contained to Hawaii, but that unfortunately, even if you prefer believing in Santa Claus, is not the case.  Nuclear warnings and alarms, by design, trigger potentially catastrophic responses and actions that can be devastating to the entire planet.

A perceived threat against U.S. territory or an ally,  will set in motion sets of predetermined actions that will trigger massive defensive and offensive actions by our forces internationally in response to the threat.

Additionally this also triggers massive defensive and offensive actions by our allies, and by our adversaries and enemies internationally.

A flock of geese crossed into the U.S. from Canada, for example, last century, and the NORAD early warning system "read" those geese as missiles instead of as a jet.  That radar system was programmed to exclude jets, airliners, and other planes by detecting them as "air breathers,"  with engines that pulled in air in the front and let it out the back.  It was programmed to detect "non-air breathers,"  which would be, missiles.

That system read the flock of geese as missiles, and it set off alarms immediately.  The early warning system did its job.  It warned our military, not that an attack was imminent, but that it was in progress.  It had read that missiles had been launched and they had crossed into our air space, and nuclear bombs would be exploding imminently.  Of course that was horrifying news to all who experienced the alarm.

But that was not all there was to be horrified about.

That system also triggered the U.S. response to the perceived "attack."  You see, the response to the "attack" meant that OUR missiles would now be launched against our perceived attacker,  the Soviet Union, Russia and its allies in Eastern Europe, so you can imagine the "pucker factor" in Russia, when their surveillance revealed that we had initiated our response to attack them.

Very astute and rapid communications between the Soviets and the U.S. halted the aggression on both sides, and we squeaked out of that fiasco within seconds of our total demise.  That incident had prompted the Russians to begin THEIR defense measures also.  According to sources we came less than a minute away from all out nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which would have also included the involvement of allies and foes, Europe, Britain, China, etc.  Such a nuclear exchange would have destroyed much if not all of Life on Earth with the resulting holocaust of radiation.

That was not the only "close call," during the Cold War.  There were others that have been revealed, such as the one during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in which a Soviet Captain of a submarine, ready to launch a nuke at a U.S. ship was stopped by Russian officer aboard that outranked him.  That was at a time, when the Soviets and the Americans were on nuclear hair-trigger alert in that confrontation just off our southeastern shore.

There was another "lucky intervention," by a U.S. spy embedded in the Soviet forces, who alerted the Americans to refrain from certain actions that were going to cause the Soviets to launch a nuclear attack against the U.S. because they believed the U.S. was preparing to launch a first strike against them.

These near-fatal catastrophic incidents point to questions that must be asked, in light of the false alarm in Hawaii.  Those questions are:

*  Is there more to that incident in Hawaii than we have been led to believe?

*  Is the political blame game, the accusations and counter-punches that are occurring via the media, a ruse to cover up what actually happened?

*  Was there actually a missile launched at Hawaii that sensors detected that caused the alarm?

*  If there was actually a missile, was it actually shot down?

*  If there was a missile en route to Hawaii, did our defenses work as they should have?

*  Did we actually avert a nuclear war by creating a narrative that this was only a mistake by a technician, thereby preventing a devastating retaliation, possibly against China, North Korea, and Russia?

*  Did the perceived attack trigger our mainland national defenses?

*  If our national defense actions and responses were triggered, did that affect our adversaries and enemies?

*  Were our adversaries and enemies caused to be on alert due to our defenses being activated?

*  Did our adversaries and enemies arm themselves and initiate retaliation procedures as a result of our defenses being activated?

*  Would not an adversary or an enemy take preemptive measures and initiate defensive measures until they knew for certain that the incident in Hawaii was not a pretext by the U.S. to launch a first strike nuclear attack against North Korea or another enemy?

*  Was this actually an incident of our systems of alert being hacked by an enemy to cause us to launch an attack against an adversary or an enemy?

*  If that was the case, who hacked us and how will we respond to that attack?

These are not rhetorical questions.  These are questions we should be asking and demanding answers from our elected officials, our representatives, and from our government employees.
Why are we (are you?)  so easily satisfied with the quick answer that a lowly technician simply pushed the wrong button; that the alert was cancelled; and that everything is now hunky-dory?

Or is the prospect of raising these issues too scary to confront?