Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Brief Note

A "Brief Note"

Do you recall who went to war in WW2 before the U.S. joined in?  The two main players were the National Socialists of Germany, and the International Socialists of the Russian Soviet Union. There were other players, but those were the main two entities.

The U.S. joined sides with the International Socialists against the National Socialists. The U.S. helped the International Socialists defeat the National Socialists.

An anecdotal incident occurred in the aftermath of "the war," even before the smoke cleared. The U.S. secretly employed the National Socialist War Criminals, in order to gain from the German military and "scientific" advances.

You can read about that HERE...    You can also read about this HERE...

In effect, the U.S. betrayed its "ally" The International Communist, Soviet Union.

There is also this: Operation Paperclip

What generally gets overlooked is how deep the U.S. had sunk into the Nationalist Socialist abyss.

Nationalism is nation-centric purpose; that is, a national policy, both internal and foreign, which focuses on the interests of the nation itself.  If the nation is also Marxist, well, then it is a "National" Socialist nation.   The goal of Socialism is the Communist utopia.

International Socialists want an international global government made up of individual socialist countries that cede their authority to an international global government.

We know the conflict between these two "forces," from our observations of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

The dynamics of these two forces can be seen to play out in many countries today. An example of this is Mexico.  Mexico's political spectrum consists of a multitude of Socialist political parties, some National, Some International.  Two of the major of these parties are the PRI and the PAN. Partido Accion Nacional (National Action Party) and the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Revolutionary Institutional Party).  The former is "National" and the latter is "International."  There is overlap.  It's important to note, that there is no non Socialist party in Mexico. It is all Karl Marx or a version thereof. There are probably local parties here and there that may not be Socialist, but none that make any difference.  One does not rock the boat in Mexico.

I grew up along the border; witnessed the shenanigans of local, state, and national Mexico politics.  It was eye opening, when viewing and learning about U.S. politics.

The observation was that we have the same thing here, hidden under a facade of a Constitutional Republic, with a two party system of Democratic Freedom.  We have two Socialist parties, who perpetuate the necessary lies to carry out the pretense of warring with each other, and indeed do so to the extent that they do battle to dominate as either national Socialists, or International Socialists, both sides maintaining that THEY are the real Constitutionalists.

Somewhere in the commotion is our Constitution, which both sides use to achieve domination, legally and politically, over the other.

The hard truth is that both sides will attack and thwart the creation and development of a "true" Constitutional Republic, because it is diametrically opposed to the deeply entrenched socialist communist goals, plans, purposes, economies, and culture.

The culture is Marxist.

Our current culture is so immersed... drowned in Marxist materialistic culture that few, if any see above and beyond that enough to rise above the "Left-Right," so called "conflict."

They are two ends of the same stick of tyranny with which you will be clubbed.

It is a severe form of brainwashing that is kept in play with constant propaganda and a culture of danger and crisis meant to keep the populations stressed, distracted, subdued, and controlled.

The first step towards emerging from this is to face these elements, confront them, and extract oneself mentally, spiritually, and physically from them, figuring out how to survive and grow and expand within them, and join with others to inform, educate and expand. It is not a not formidable task.

Vanguard of Freedom

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Basic Premise:

It's what your "reality" is based on. More precisely, it's what YOU have established that your "reality" is based on.

It's your "rock," your "base," your "foundation."  Basic Premise.

Politicos, terrorists, propagandists, con artists, criminals, marketing specialists:  They all know about "Basic Premise."

What they know is this:  They know that your psychological, mental, emotional (or whatever you want to call it) existence, or "well being," is based on your Basic Premise and the conclusions and logic or beliefs that flow from it.

They also know, that if they "upset" or unbalance, or somehow threaten or destroy your "Basic Premise," your "rock," your "foundation... they can cause you great anxiety, emotional upheaval, uncertainty, worry, fear, panic, etc.

This is what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 or as we have come to know it, 9/11.

This is what terrorists do when they carry out an act of terrorism. Their intent is to cause your "Basic Premise" to become upset. In that state of mind and emotion, you are more easily manipulated.

Calamitous events, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, power outages, tend to do the same to people.

On a smaller scale, your Basic Premise can be upset or destroyed by a traumatic accident: Traffic accident, a fire at home, a sudden traumatic illness (heart attack, stroke, etc.)

These can upset your sanity, your state of mind, your emotional well being, your ability to think clearly.

Most of us know about this. Many of us have experienced this.

Many of us military personnel know all too well how this works.

Some of us can get "stuck" in the "upset" of our Basic Premise.  We can lose our "balance" and remain unbalanced.  Sometimes some do not recover.

What many do not know is how to get back your "balance," how to put back your Basic Premise or how to create a new one, and build a new reality.

Ask any calamitous event survivor and they will tell you that they had to establish a new foundation, a new "Base,"  New Basic Premises, in order to come out of the trauma... out of the instability.

How do you do this?  How do you become "grounded" when you are panicked?

If you break it down, there are two, three or just a few more steps you can do to get "unpanicked."

1.  The first thing to do is ACKNOWLEDGE that you have been panicked, upset, traumatized, hurt, injured.... whatever the DESTABILIZED situation is.  ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Realize you are in it.

2.  The second thing you can do is to calm yourself down.  If you are anxious and hyperventilating or rambling about, ranting and raving, or simply just nervous as hell, or crying or want to scream... calm yourself down.  Calm down by looking at something that is standing still.  Find a rock, a building, a tree, a chair, a piece of ground. and observe that it is sitting still.  Then find another. Then another.  You might not have time to linger on this and might have to do it quickly. You may have had a burst of adrenaline that might be making you hyper active.  If that's the case, this step might take some effort.   However, you might also use your adrenaline rush to your advantage by calming yourself just enough, yet use your heightened state to boost yourself into action.

Some of you, once you do this can find stability by praying.  If that's not for you then continue anyway.

3. Once you are calm, or calmer, then you can begin to prioritize your actions.  Set up a mental checklist of things to do, and start to do them.

4. Establish your order of priorities with safety first.  Get away rapidly from danger. Stop bleeding, get to a safe and secure area. If you are in danger of attack by someone or something, get to a defensible and "defendable" position.  If your situation is simply that you are without food or shelter, then make that your priority.

The point is, regardless of the trauma or calamity, or disaster, 1. Acknowledge.  2. Calm Down. 3. Take action while prioritizing. 4. Get Safe and Secure.

5.  Make a plan of action. This is a general outline what you have to do to get back to "Basic Premise."

6.  Work out the individual things you have to do to carry out that plan.  Make a list of these actions, into steps.

7.  Assign time to these items. Some require more immediate action than others. Set the time limits.

8.  Establish a discipline of things you have to do to get these things done.

You may have to cycle through this several times a day, until it becomes "routine," until you establish a discipline or a "ritual of survival."

These sets of actions can be done in a few minutes, and they can be expanded to be done for more lengthy handlings for extended period of times, to include more than just you, and can be developed into operation modes for large organizations and numbers of people.

You can bring order where there is none, and thus improve survival and well being for yourself and for others, either as a leader or someone who is helping others or as a member of a group.

Perhaps you have been "upset" by a calamitous event in the past.  Perhaps you have gotten somewhat stuck in a traumatic event in the past.  Perhaps this can help you come out of it, even if it is just a little bit. Let me know if this helps.

I want to know what works for you and how you have handled calamitous, upsetting situations.  Let me know:

Let me know how it goes: