Monday, March 16, 2020

Vanguards Of Freedom:

You are witnessing what some call "The New World Order."   I'm not talking about repressive measures or oppressive regimes. I am referring to the obvious demonstration of blatantly stupid, arrogant INCOMPETENCE.  This is the modus operandi of "The Powers That Be."

No, not the handling of a global pandemic, but its cause. In this time, in this age, in this era, this is what you see unfolding before you.

I say to you. NO ONE is in Charge.

Have you had enough of the propaganda?

Have you Had enough of the illusion that you're still living in a Constitutional Republic?

Are you completely fed up with how sociopaths run this nation. The world?

Are you fed up with chaos and conflict being  more the norm than the exception?

Have you had enough of conspiracy theories, that blame super rich, blue-blood psychotics for everything that is wrong with the cultures of earth?

Are you fed up with those that blame societal conditions on aliens from outer space?  On the oil cartels?  On the drug cartels?

Are you done with incessant doom and gloom predictions that merely perpetuate deteriorating conditions and promote a culture that dictates that you should just give up and wait for the coming holocaust?

You and I could solve the major problems in our neighborhood over a cup of coffee or a beer this weekend. And yet, look a the world.

Pretending there is a government does not make it so.

The mob of collectivism cannot perceive itself outside its own prison. Only when emancipated individuals come  together, is a True Group possible.

Every cloud has a silver lining. If you're not one of the panic stricken victims, here is your silver lining.

"...People sleep peacefully in their beds at night because they do not depend on rough men to do violence on their behalf; they are prepared to do it for themselves..."

Vanguard of Freedom HEADLINERS....

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